🌝 Full Moon Workbooks 🌝
Xandra the Witch
💫 full moon digital care kits & workbooks for the astrological year 💫
turn off your phone + enjoy art + engage in thought-provoking play. includes guided practices in a variety of formats (little audios + photos + drawings + in-depth rollercoaster metaphors) for you to ponder, personalise, and ENJOY.
♎︎Harmonise, ♏︎Surrender, ♐︎Time Traveller, ♑︎Execute the Vision, ♒︎Return to I, ♓︎In Love With Life, ♈︎Bonfire, ♉️Luxury Legacy, ♊️You Can Have Everything, ♋️Beyond the Comfort Zone + ♌️ Art Audit + ♍️Get Organised
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